Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Foundation. It is in charge of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the foundational purpose and the correct administration of the funds and rights that make up the assets of the Institute.

The Board of Trustees is chaired as President of the Board by one of its scientific members. The current configuration and members of the Board of Trustees follows:

President of the Board

Roberto Di Cosmo Roberto Di Cosmo, Chair
Full Professor
Universitè Paris 7, France

Vice-President of the Board

Enrique Ossorio Enrique Ossorio, Vice-President of the Board
Consejero de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades
Community of Madrid, Spain

Members Representing the Regional Administration (CM) and Public Entities

Ana Isabel Cremades Rodríguez Ana Isabel Cremades Rodríguez
Directora General de Investigación e Innovación
Community of Madrid, Spain
Ricardo Díaz Martín Ricardo Díaz Martín
Director General de Universidades y Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores
Community of Madrid, Spain
Bárbara Fernández-Revuelta Fernández-Durán Bárbara Fernández-Revuelta Fernández-Durán
Subdirectora General de Investigación
Community of Madrid, Spain
Jose de la Sota Rius Jose de la Sota Rius
General Coordinator
Madri+d Foundation

Representative appointed by the IMDEA Institutes

To be appointed

Scientists (also Members of the Scientific Advisory Board)

Patrick Cousot Patrick Cousot

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, US
Roberto Di Cosmo Roberto Di Cosmo
Full Professor
Universitè Paris 7, France
Jose Meseguer Jose Meseguer
Full Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Luis Moniz Pereira Luis Moniz Pereira
Full Professor
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Martin Wirsing Martin Wirsing
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Representatives of Universities and Research Institutions

Narciso Marti Oliet Narciso Marti Oliet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Juan José Vaquero López Juan José Vaquero López
Vice-Rector of Scientific Policy
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Javier Soriano Javier Soriano
Dean of the School of Computer Science
Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
Jesus Gonzalez Barahona Jesus Gonzalez Barahona
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Representatives of Industry

To be appointed

Independent Experts

Jesús Contreras Jesús Contreras
EIT Digital Spain

Secretary of the Board

Alejandro Blazquez Alejandro Blazquez
IMDEA legal assistant
(non-voting member)