PhD Students

The IMDEA Software Institute is always looking for strong and enthusiastic PhD students.

The IMDEA Software Institute performs cutting-edge research towards building the software systems of the future. The Institute provides a stimulating and collaborative research enviroment, together with competitive salaries and close ties to industry. Our research areas include the following topics:

For more details about what we are working on check our research page, or visit the home pages of the institute’s faculty.


Successful candidates have obtained (or are close to obtaining) a master or undergraduate degree in Computer Science or a closely related area and have strong interest in the Institute’s research areas.

Candidates holding fellowships, scholarships, or any other study grants from national or international public or private institutions are also welcome to apply as PhD students. The IMDEA Software Institute aims to achieve fair employment conditions by matching existing grants with internal funds and equipment.

The working language of the Institute is English. Full command of the English language is required.


The institute provides an attractive monthly stipend, access to an excellent public health care system, unemployment benefits, retirement benefits, and support for research related travel.


Candidates are encouraged to apply online using the secure application form. This includes uploading a statement of purpose, an up-to-date CV, listing research interests, and providing the contact data of three references. Applications can be sent at any time, without cut-off dates.

Search and selection procedures follow the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers.