Jean Paul Degabriele

Friday, March 23, 2018

10:45am Meeting room 302 (Mountain View), level 3

Jean Paul Degabriele, Post-doctoral Researcher, TU Darmstadt, Germany

The Synergy Between Theory and Practice in Cryptography


In this talk I will try give a flavour of my line of research by surveying some of my works. It will touch upon topics such as IPsec, EMV, SSH, security models, backdoored randomness generators and Tor. An overarching theme of my research is to bring cryptographic theory and practice closer. I will give examples of how cryptographic practice fails because it is not informed by theory. On the other hand we will also see how cryptographic schemes with security proofs can still succumb to practical attacks because our security models do not reflect practical settings well enough. I will discuss how my research tries to amend these issues and help progress towards a theory that is better aligned with practice.