Eduardo Bezerra

Thursday, March 14, 2019

10:45am Meeting room 202 (Hill View), level 2

Eduardo Bezerra, Software Engineer, Amazon Madrid

Strong Consistency at Scale


Today’s online services must meet strict availability and performance requirements. State machine replication, one of the most fundamental approaches to increasing the availability of services without sacrificing strong consistency, provides configurable availability but limited performance scalability. Scalable State Machine Replication (S-SMR) achieves scalable performance by partitioning the service state and coordinating the ordering and execution of commands. While S-SMR scales the performance of single-partition commands with the number of deployed partitions, it relies on atomic multicast and can present higher latency than traditional SMR, specially when executing multi-partition commands. In this talk, Eduardo Bezerra will revisit Scalable State Machine Replication and Ridge, a high-throughput, low-latency multicast algorithm that mitigates that issue.