Roberto Bagnara

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

9:45am Meeting room 202 (Hill View), level 2

Roberto Bagnara, Research Professor, University of Parma, Italy

MISRA C and its key role for the compliance to industrial safety standards


Embedded software plays a steadily increasing role in all industrial sectors, and in several such sectors software is responsible for functionality impacting the overall system safety and security. As a result an increasing number of companies and projects are required to comply to industry safety standards (CENELEC EN 50128, ECSS-Q-ST-80C, FDA “General Principles of Software Validation”, IEC 61508, IEC 62304, ISO 26262, RTCA DO-178C). In this seminar we will focus on one of the key aspects of such standards: this is the possibility to program in subsets of standardized languages such as “C” or “C++”. Starting from an introduction to the traps and pitfalls of the “C” programming language, we will present MISRA C, the most authoritative subset of “C” for the development of high-integrity systems. Some important concepts illustrated in the seminar will be demonstrated using ECLAIR, a powerful platform for the automatic analysis and verification of C and C++ programs, on real open-source software projects.