Tuesday, April 15, 2008

11:00am Meeting room 302 (Mountain View), level 3

German Puebla, Associate Professor, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain

Poly-Controlled Partial Evaluation


Existing algorithms for on-line partial evaluation (PE) of logic programs, given an initial program and a description of run-time queries, deterministically produce a specialized program using a fixed control strategy that is applied to every call pattern being specialized. In this talk I will present “Poly-Controlled Partial Evaluation (PCPE)”, a powerful approach to partial evaluation which allows using different control strategies for different call patterns. Thus, rather than a fixed PE specialized program, it can obtain a set of different PCPE specialized programs. The quality of each of these programs is assessed through the use of a fitness function, which can be resource aware, in the sense that it can take multiple factors into account, such as run-time, memory consumption, and code size of the specialized programs.

This is joint work with Claudio Ochoa.