Zhoulai Fu

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

11:00am Meeting room 302 (Mountain View), level 3

Zhoulai Fu, PhD Student, INRIA

Lifting Numerical Abstract Domains to Heap-manipulating Programs


In 1978, Cousot and Halbwachs showed how to determine at compile-time linear relations among program variables. Various abstract domains were then introduced to statically infer program numeric properties. Unfortunately, none of these abstract domains are easily applicable to programs with pointers. We propose a framework that combines existing numeric analyses and pointer analyses in a black-box way. This is meaningful: the correction of our approach is guaranteed by construction, and the implementation is easy. We have prototyped this approach using SOOT framework as pointer analyses and PPL library as numeric domains. Tested on Dacapo-2006’s benchmarks, the analysis discovers more numeric properties, and scales up to large programs such as ECLIPSE. At the end of this presentation, I will give a demonstration of the prototype.