Software Seminar Series (S3)

Abstract: We examine the problem of inferring invariants for parametrized systems. Parametrized systems are concurrent systems con...

Abstract: Malware is a serious problem on mobile devices. Our vision is a verified app store in which each application has been fo...

Abstract: In this talk we present the framework Failure Tabled Constraint Logic Programming by Interpolation, FTCLP (Gange et al. ...

Remy Haemmerle

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Remy Haemmerle, Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

Inductive Proofs over CLP as Commutation Proofs

Abstract: In this talk we present a constraint logic framework that combines backward and forward chaining. Concretely in this fra...

Dragan Ivanović

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dragan Ivanović, Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

Transforming Service Compositions Into Cloud-Friendly Actor Networks

Abstract: In Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), service compositions provide the key tool for building complex, flexible, distri...

Germán Delbianco

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Germán Delbianco, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute

Concurrent Hoare-style Reasoning, deconstructed

Abstract: Most logics for stateful reasoning in a concurrent setting are designed around a parallel composition operator ||. Given...

Viktor Vafeiadis

Monday, October 13, 2014

Viktor Vafeiadis, Faculty (tenure-track), Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany

Reasoning about the C/C++ weak memory model

Abstract: The talk will introduce the C11 weak memory model that defines the semantics of concurrent C/C++ programs, and will answ...

Pierre-Yves Strub

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pierre-Yves Strub, Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

A Formal Library for Elliptic Curves in the Coq Proof Assistant

Abstract: I will present in this talk some insights about the formalization of mathematics, using the case study of a formal devel...

Abstract: I will present a mapping from OCL (Object Constraint Language) to first-order logic. This mapping allows us to reason on...

Abstract: Hybrid systems refer to dynamical systems exhibiting a mixed discrete and continuous behaviours. Such behaviors appear n...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Julian Samborski-Forlese, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute

Bounded Model Checking of Regular Linear Temporal Logic

Abstract: Bounded model checking (BMC) is an effective algorithmic method for the verification of finite state systems against tem...

Nataliia Stulova

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nataliia Stulova, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute

Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs

Abstract: Higher-order constructs extend the expressiveness of first-order (Constraint) Logic Programming ((C)LP) both syntactical...

Ilya Sergey

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ilya Sergey, Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

Hoare-Style Reasoning about Non-Blocking Concurrent Algorithms

Abstract: How would one specify a correct behaviour of an optimistic fine-grained concurrent data structure? For more than twenty ...

Abstract: As asynchronous programming becomes more mainstream, program analyses capable of automatically uncovering programming er...

Abstract: The most common approach for solving the problem of optimal task scheduling is to use expected values of the variables t...

Andrea Cerone

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Andrea Cerone, Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

Parametrised Linearisability

Abstract: Many concurrent libraries are parameterised, meaning that they implement generic algorithms that take another library as...

Abstract: Modern web applications are backed by geo-replicated data stores that offer highly available and low latency data access...