Raúl Alborodo

Thursday, December 3, 2015

11:00am Meeting room 302 (Mountain View), level 3

Raúl Alborodo, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute

A Model-driven Methodology for Generating and Verifying Monitor-based and CSP-based Java Code


Model-driven methodologies can help developers create more reliable software. In previous work, we have advocated a model-driven approach for the analysis and design of concurrent, safety-critical systems. However, to take full advantage of those techniques, they must be supported by code generation schemes for concrete programming languages. Ideally, this translation should be traceable, automated and should support verification of the generated code. In this talk we consider the problem of generating concurrent Java code from high-level interaction models. Our proposal includes an extension of JML that allows to specify shared resources as Java interfaces, and several translation patterns for (partial) generation of Java code. The template thus obtained is JML-annotated Java, either using the JCSP library or Priority Monitors library, with proof obligations that help with both traceability and verification. Finally, we present an experiment in code verification using the KeY tool.