Miguel Ambrona & Ignacio Fábregas

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

10:45am Lecture hall 1, level B

Miguel Ambrona & Ignacio Fábregas, Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software Institute

Quantum computers: invest wisely, invest in the future!


Everyone has heard about quantum computers and that they will compromise the current Internet security. Quantum computers use q-bits instead of the classical bits and, therefore, can represent an exponential number of states at once (this is called quantum superposition). But, what does that mean? Why some algorithms are dramatically speeded up in this paradigm? Are these computers really as powerful as the media makes us think?

In the first talk driven by two speakers (to the best of our knowledge) in the history of the IMDEA S4 (Spring Software Seminar Series), we will give an overview on the model of quantum computation and its principles, focusing on Shor’s algorithm for integer factorization. It is guaranteed that the audience will understand nothing and something at the same time.