Luis Miguel Danielsson

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

11:00am Zoom3 - (pass: s3)

Luis Miguel Danielsson, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute

Decentralized Stream Runtime Verification for Timed Asynchronous Networks


We study the problem of timed asynchronous decentralized monitoring of stream runtime verification specifications. In decentralized runtime verification, monitors are deployed in a network that provides a (sufficiently) synchronized shared clock. These monitors communicate via an asynchronous network, where messages can take arbitrarily long but cannot be duplicated or lost. This is a communication setting common in many cyber-physical systems like smart buildings, ambient living or Industry 4.0. This kind of network ressembles more closely every day networks. Previous approaches to decentralized monitoring were limited to synchronous networks, which are not easily implemented in practice. In this work we propose a solution to the timed asynchronous monitoring problem and show that this problem generalizes the synchronous case. We study the specifications and conditions on the network behavior that allow the monitoring to take place with bounded resources, independently of the trace length.