Verification of Observational Refinement by Counting

December 10, 2013

Michael Emmi

Verification of Observational Refinement by Counting

Time:   11:00am
Location:   Meeting room 302 (Mountain View), level 3

Observational refinement between software library implementations is key to modular reasoning: knowing that any program behavior using some sophisticated library implementation L is also possible using a simplistic implementation S, allows replacing S for L, thus simplifying reasoning about any module using L. High-performance data structure implementations and their abstract specifications are canonical examples where such refinement is beneficial.

While automating refinement checking between deterministic sequential implementations is relatively straightforward, by ensuring each sequence of operations executed by L is also executable by S, checking refinement between a concurrent implementation L and its (sequential, usually) specification S presents a severe complication: to which linear order σ should concurrently-executed operations of L be resolved, in order to check whether σ is also executable by S? Existing automated approaches either require manual effort in fixing the linearization point of each operation, thus uniquely determining σ, or suffer from exponential explosion in considering all possible linearizations σ.

In this work we develop a fundamentally different approach to automated refinement checking, called operation counting. Rather than reasoning over sequences of executed operations, we reason over counts of executed and executing library operations; we say implementation L refines S when any valuation to the counters which is reachable with L is also reachable with S. We demonstrate that this notion of refinement is not only equivalent to observational refinement, but leads to effective means for automatic checking.