A Language-theoretic View on Network Protocols

January 31, 2017

Pedro Valero

A Language-theoretic View on Network Protocols

Time:   10:45am
Location:   Lecture hall 1, level B

Input validation is the first line of defense against malformed or malicious inputs. It is therefore critical that the validator (which is often part of the parser) is free of bugs.

To build dependable input validators, we propose using parser generators for context-free languages. In the context of network protocols, various works have pointed at context-free languages as falling short to specify precisely or concisely common idioms found in protocols. We review those assessments and perform a rigorous, language-theoretic analysis of several common protocol idioms. We then demonstrate the practical value of our findings by developing a modular, robust, and efficient input validator for HTTP relying on context-free grammars and regular expressions.