April 11, 2011

Alexey Gotsman gets EAPLS Best Dissertation Award

Alexey Gotsman, Assistant Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute, is the winner of the 2010 EAPLS Best Dissertation Award for his dissertation on “Logics and analyses for concurrent heap-manipulating programs” completed at the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge.

This award is given by the European Association on Programming Languages and Systems to the PhD student who has made the most original and influential contribution to the area of Programming Languages and Systems, and has graduated in the period up to November 2010 at a European academic institute. The purpose of the award is to draw attention to excellent work, to help the career of the student in question, and to promote the research field as a whole.

The winner was selected by a committee of international experts. Details on the procedure can be found here. The candidate theses were judged on originality, impact, relevance, and quality of writing. The conclusions from the jury can be found here.