March 28, 2012

Alexey Gotsman and Mark Marron get two prestigious Microsoft awards

IMDEA Software Institute researchers Alexey Gotsman and Mark Marron each got one of the 10 Microsoft Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) Awards given by Microsoft Research in 2012.

Microsoft Research created these Awards to support research in software engineering technologies, tools, practices, and teaching methods. Out of more than 100 applications, only 8 other applicants, in addition to Alexey Gotsman and Mark Marron from the IMDEA Software Institute in Spain, obtained this prestigious award in 2011, 1 in Switzerland, 1 in Canada, and 6 in the United States.

Alexey Gotsman and Mark Marron will be publicly recognized at the new annual SEIF Day, to be held on 18th of July 2012, in Redmond, USA. This event is a new addition to the SEIF program and will be attended by previous and current SEIF winners, influential software engineering researchers, and researchers from Microsoft Research.