July 3, 2012

IMDEA Amarout II Marie Curie / PEOPLE-COFUND program granted

The IMDEA network of institutes has been granted AMAROUT-II, an EU Marie Curie (PEOPLE-COFUND) program that will offer 152 fellowships during the next 4 years to experienced researchers to help develop their individual research projects within any one of the research institutes comprising the IMDEA network. Each fellowship funds a researcher for up to three years. A permanent call for applications will be opened on October, 1 2012 and will run until September, 30 2015, with periodic closing dates. The program, prepared and coordinated by the IMDEA Software Institute, is designed to support transnational mobility of experienced researchers offering attractive working conditions and providing opportunities to deepen and widen their skills. AMAROUT-II is a continuation of AMAROUT, a highly successful COFUND program which is now closed for applications.

For more information see AMAROUT-II. Contact: amarout@software.imdea.org