September 5, 2012

ENTRA project funded with 2.1 million Euros from the EU

The IMDEA Software Institute has been granted the ``ENTRA (Whole-Systems Energy Transparency)’’ EU project, which aims to promote the development of greener IT products by enabling “energy-aware” software development. Within the project, starting on October 1, 2012, researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute will create tools for advanced program analysis and modeling of energy consumption in computer systems which will facilitate predictions of energy consumption early in the software design phase. ENTRA is funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme, through the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) scheme, and has an overall budget of 2.1 million Euro. Apart from the IMDEA Software Institute and Roskilde University, which coordinates the project, the consortium also includes XMOS Ltd. and the University of Bristol.

Local project contact: Pedro López

Website: ENTRA