November 15, 2012

FET Young Explorers project ADVENT granted to IMDEA Software

IMDEA Software coordinates the ADVENT research project that will start on April, 1 2013. The project is funded by the EU FP7 through the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Young Explorers initiative, and has an overall budget of 1 million Euro.

The consortium consists of Tel Aviv University (Israel), The Max Planck Institute (Germany), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), and IMDEA Software.

The new FET Young Explorers initiative aims to capture the creative potential of young researchers by fostering their leadership and participation in collaborative research projects targeting first-ever and exploratory, multi-disciplinary research.

The ADVENT project will develop innovative methods and tools for cost-effective verification of real-world systems software, making it possible to guarantee an unprecedented level of reliability. The architecture-driven verification techniques resulting from the project have the potential to yield a dramatic leap in the cost-benefit ratio of verification technology. This will allow verification to scale to systems of real-world size and complexity that so far have been beyond the reach of quality assurance methods guaranteeing correctness.

Alexey Gotsman is project coordinator. The local project contact is Marta Sedano.