IMDEA Software Institute News

Benedikt Schmidt, a postdoctoral researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute has been awarded a medal for an outstanding doctoral dissertation by ETH Zurich.
Five papers by IMDEA Software Institute researchers have been accepted for publication at the 41st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2014), a top-ranked conference in the area of programming languages and systems.
The president of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, Ignacio González González, chaired the official opening of the building of the IMDEA Software Institute, which took place on Monday July 8, 2013, at noon...
The IMDEA Software Institute has become an associate member of EIT ICT Labs, one of the three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT...
The IMDEA Software Institute has organized a one-day training course on the ActionGUI technology, with participation of representatives from Atos Research & Innovation...
{{< person id="andrea.cerone" >}} wins the best paper award at The 8th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, for the article _Modeling Mac-layer Communications in Wireless Systems_.
Juan Caballero gives an invited talk at the 38th annual meeting of the "Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group" (M3AAWG) in Vienna, Austria.
The IMDEA Software Institute has published its 2012 Annual Report.
Within its strategic framework for cooperation with industry, the IMDEA Software Institute has established together with...
Gilles Barthe gives one of the two plenary Keynote addresses at ETAPS 2013, presenting his work on Computer-aided Cryptographic Proofs, developed at the IMDEA Software Institute...
Researchers at the IMDEA Software Institute have 5 papers accepted for publication at the 25th International Conference ...
The IMDEA Software Institute has recently joined 4Caast, a EU project in collaboration with Telefonica, SAP, France Telecom, Nokia, Bull, 2nd Quadrant, Flexiscale, Bonitasoft, and a number of academic institutions...
IMDEA Software researchers, win the best paper award at The 18th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'2013), for their article _From Relational Verification to SIMD Loop Synthesis_...
The IMDEA Software Institute has completed the move to its recently finished new building, designed by prestigious archi...