June 28, 2013

IMDEA Software becomes first Spanish EIT ICT Labs Associate Partner

The IMDEA Software Institute has become a member of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) ICT Labs (Information and Communication Technologies Labs), the EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in ICT. The goal of EIT ICT Labs is to drive European leadership in ICT innovation for economic growth and quality of life. The decision to admit the IMDEA Software Institute as an associate partner was made by the EIT ICT Labs Steering Committee on March 26, 2013.

As the first Spanish EIT ICT Labs member, the IMDEA Software Institute is in charge of coordinating the new associate node (Associate Partner Group) in Spain, which includes as partners the following leading research, development, innovation and business development organizations in Spain: Telefónica, INDRA, Atos, la Technical University of Madrid, and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The headquarters (Associate Partner Group Co-Location Center) are located in the new IMDEA Software Institute building.

EIT ICT Labs currently has five nodes located in Berlin, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Paris, Stockholm, and Trento, and three associate nodes located in London, Budapest, and now Madrid. The purpose of each node is to catalyze knowledge and innovation development by involving outstanding research institutes, universities, and enterprises from the respective country, following an integrated approach based on a synergy between education, research, and business.

Besides ICT Labs, other KICs operating within the EIT framework are concerned with climate and innovative energy solutions.