April 4, 2014

1st Microsoft Research - IMDEA Software Institute Collaboration Workshop (MICW 2014)

The first Workshop of the Joint Research Center between Microsoft Research and the IMDEA Software Institute took place April 2-4, 2014, at the IMDEA Software building in Madrid. The workshop was aimed at reinforcing the collaboration between these two institutions on the following topics:

The Workshop was the launch activity of the Center, at which researchers from both sides worked on topics of joint interest. It was organized by Judith Bishop and Georges Gonthier from Microsoft Research and by Gilles Barthe and Manuel Hermenegildo from the IMDEA Software Institute.

These workshops bring together researchers and students to discuss their collaborative work on hot topics in software in order to advance the state of the art and, where possible, to bring those advances to market. The focus of the first workshop is on verification (coordinated by Alexey Gotsman and Francesco Logozzo), programming languages (coordinated by Pierre-Yves Strub and Georges Gonthier), and security (coordinated by Juan Caballero and Ben Livshits).

The 3-day workshop included the following keynote speakers:

More information can be found at the MSR-IMDEASW Joint Research Center web site and the Workshop site at Microsoft Research.