July 4, 2014

Call for start-ups and SMEs for FIWARE-based demonstrators: 25,000 euros support per company

Deadline: The deadline to submit proposals is July 31st, 2014.

In the last years the need for a more powerful, flexible, and resilient Internet has arisen, not only in the scientific community, but also within its users. The EC has initiated an RTD initiative, the FI-PPP (www.fi-ware.org), which aims at generating new Internet-related technologies and solutions to boost occupation and economy in Europe. This activity intends to establish mutually beneficial links between the FI-PPP and the EIT ICT Labs initiatives.

We expect to select, train, and support up to three start-ups or SMEs dealing with Future Internet and Internet-of-Things technologies. The selection process will be divided into two phases:

The following competences and experience are required:

The SME will take part in the FI-PPP Liaison activity from October 1st to December 31st, 2014. The allocated maximum budget amounts to EUR 25,000.00 per company with room for up to three companies. This shall cover all costs related to the project, including travel costs.

Responses shall include the following information in a maximum of 3 pages:

Please, for more information, contact projects@software.imdea.org.