IMDEA Software Institute News

The IMDEA Software Institute is one of the main developers of this innovative service for recognition of threats.
IMDEA Software Institute researchers Gilles Barthe and Francois Dupressoir have contributed to the discovery of vulnerab...
IMDEA Software Institute Researchers have been selected as Mentors in the first Spanish Cybersecurity Accelerator Program.
IMDEA Software Institute hosted and co-organized the first IMDEA Software Institute seminar on “Raising Awareness ...
Senior Officials from the Madrid Regional government visited our Institute and attended its Board of Trustees meeting.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Carmela Troncoso served as an invited speaker at the Smart City Expo World Congress ...
The first pan-IMDEA Conference on Science, Industry and Society was celebrated in the facilities of the IMDEA Materials ...
It is our great pleasure to welcome Carmela Troncoso as an IMDEA Software Researcher.
Four articles by IMDEA Software Institute researchers are slated for publication at the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), a flagship conference in this area.
IMDEA Software Institute faculty Boris Köpf, Juan Caballero and Dario Fiore each win prestigious grants from the Spanish...
A paper by IMDEA researchers won the best Paper Award at “Jornadas Nacionales de Investigacion en Ciberseguridad”
Alejandro Sánchez defended his PhD thesis "Formal Verification of Temporal Properties for Parametrized Concurrent Programs and Concurrent Data Structures".
The IMDEA Software Institute participates in the European Researchers' Night in Madrid 2015 with the activity "Science and movie scientists: Does reality surpass fiction?"

Sep 1, 2015: Welcome Somesh Jha

It is our great pleasure to welcome Professor Somesh Jha of the University of Winsconsin, Madison as an IMDEA Software visiting faculty member.
Four papers by IMDEA Software Institute researchers have been accepted for publication at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, a top-ranked conference in this area.
The IMDEA Software Institute has been awarded the Syncrpyt cybersecurity project, funded by the US Office of Naval Research (ONR).
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Aleks Nanevski gave an invited tutorial at the 2015 Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Program Semantics.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Pavithra Prabhakar and her student Ratan Lal have published their work on analyzing parameterized linear systems in EMSOFT, a top-ranked conference in the field of embedded software.
Faculty member Pierre Yves Strub and PhD student Antonio Nappa each won a prestigious distinguished paper award at the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
The first scientific meeting of the EU COST Action “Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (ARVI)” has taken...
Miguel Ángel García de Dios defended his PhD thesis "Model-driven Development of Secure Data-Management Applications".
Four papers by IMDEA Software Institute researchers have been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, a top-ranked conference in this important field.
Faculty John Gallagher won the best paper award at the 2015 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation.
The IMDEA Software Institute has published its 2014 Annual Report.
The 2nd Microsoft Research - IMDEA Software Institute Collaboration Workshop (MICW 2015) took place April 9 and 10.
The IMDEA Software Institute has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the area of Public-Private Cooperation by the madr...
New security vulnerability affecting a large number of web servers and clients uncovered by IMDEA Software Institute faculty researcher Pierre Yves Strub and his colleagues at IMDEA Software Institute and IMDEA Software Institute.
Last Wednesday, February 18th, the General Director for Universities and Research of the Madrid Regional Government, visited the premises of IMDEA Software Institute.

Feb 16, 2015: Welcome Ben Livshits

It is our great pleasure to welcome Professor Ben Livshits as an IMDEA Software Institute visiting faculty member. Ben i...
Four papers by IMDEA Software Institute researchers have been accepted for publication at Symposium on Security and Privacy, a top-ranked conference in this important area.
The first edition of the Itinerant Cryptography Seminars, a multi-institutional series aimed at promoting cryptography r...