August 15, 2015

IMDEA Software Researchers Publish Four Papers in Top-Ranked ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Four papers by IMDEA Software Institute researchers have been accepted for publication at the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, a top-ranked conference in this important area, held in Denver, CO.

IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Dario Fiore has a paper on homomorphic encryption together with D. Catalano (University of Catania, Italy). Their work proposes new techniques that enable third parties to compute over encrypted data, namely to evaluate a function without learning its inputs.

Faculty member Juan Caballero has two papers. One paper with visiting Ph.D. student Srdjan Matic from Università degli Studi di Milano and IMDEA Ph.D. student Platon Kotzias proposes an approach for deanonymizing hidden services in the TOR anonymity network. The other one with Ph.D. students Platon Kotzias and Richard Rivera, and visiting Ph.D. student Srdjan Matic analyzes digitally signed malware and potentially unwanted programs such as adware.

Faculty members Gilles Barthe and Benedikt Schmidt have a paper on formal proofs for pairing-based cryptography together with B. Grégoire (INRIA). Their work describes a new method and a new tool to perform such proofs automatically.

More information at CCS 2015.