IMDEA Software Institute News

The five winners of the EIT Digital Summer School Competition on Privacy, Security and Trust for the best project have v...
IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Aleks Nanevski receives a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
Sonia Belaid received the prize “Trophées des ingénieurs du futur” organized jointly by the publications “Industrie &...
EIT digital organized a match-making event on Cybersecurity at the Institute, with keynotes from IMDEA Software Institute personnel and participation from industry and academia.
IMDEA Software Institute faculty Boris Köpf and Juan Caballero, after a successful review process involving high-level i...
A paper by IMDEA Software Institute PhD student Nataliia Stulova, and researchers José Francisco Morales and Manuel Herm...
IMDEA researchers publish 3 papers at top venue for logic programming.
The Institute has two positions to work in the recently funded ElasTest Horizon 2020 project.
Manuel Carro, deputy director of the IMDEA Software Institute, is the PC Co-Chair of 2016 International Conference on Lo...
The IMDEA Software Institute participates in the European Researchers' Night in Madrid 2016 with the activity “Sporty Science or ‘Sciencefull’ Sport”.
IMDEA Software Institute researchers Juan Caballero and Dario Fiore were invited speaker at the GSE Management summit th...
The IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Carmela Troncoso, participates on the ZISC workshop organized by the “...
The IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Dario Fiore, coauthors two papers to appear at important Cryptographic confe...
The IMDEA Software Institute will participate in a newly funded Horizon 2020 EU project called ElasTest: an elastic plat...
IMDEA Software Institute researchers publish 4 papers at ACM CCS for second year in a row.
IMDEA Software Institute’s researchers Manuel Hermenegildo and Pedro López, were the Program Committee chairs of the 26t...
IMDEA Software Institute faculty member {{< person id="alexey.gotsman" >}} receives a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
Juan Caballero has been selected as member of the editorial board of prestigious "Privacy and Security" journal of the ACM
The Institute has openings to work on various topics related to cybersecurity.
The Malicia Lab at the IMDEA Software Institute, led by Juan Caballero, has open-sourced AVClass, a tool for massive mal...
The IMDEA Institutes signed the agreement that seals their collaboration in the European Researchers' Night 2016.
Hasser Veramendi has sucessfully defended his Master Thesis ‘Privacy Implications of Open Data’ co-supervise...
The EU-ECSO Public-Private Partnership on Cybersecurity is expected to trigger €1.8 billion of investment by 2020.
IMDEA Software participates in the foundation of the Spanish Network of Excelence for Cybersecurity Research.
The EIT Digital Madrid Co-Location center at the IMDEA Software Institute has hosted the EIT Digital Master Science and ...
IMDEA Software Institute faculty Pierre Ganty is giving an invited lecture at the “Cursos de Verano, Matemáticas para el...
IMDEA Software Institute faculty Boris Köpf, has chaired the Program Committee of the 29th IEEE Computer Security Founda...
IMDEA Software Faculty members teach at several international Summer schools.
Alessandra Gorla's research receives a Special Mention at the “Jornadas Nacionales de Investigacion en Ciberseguridad”, and two more papers are presented.
20 researchers from IMDEA, URJC, UPM, UAH, EHU, UCLM and Bitergia meet at the IMDEA Software Institute.
Juan Manuel Crespo and Goran Doychev defend their PhD thesis in UPM in May 2016.
Notiweb, the madri+d daily news service interviewed IMDEA researcher Juan Caballero on the “dark side” of software.
The IMDEA Software Institute has published its 2015 Annual Report.
A paper by IMDEA researchers won the best Paper Award at the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
The 3rd MSR - IMDEA Software Institute Collaborative WS (MICW 2016) takes place May 3-4 in Cambridge, UK.
Notiweb, the madri+d daily news service published an article on the Institute: “El Software: Cuando las nubes y las manzanas no son lo que parecen.”
A paper by IMDEA researchers won the best Paper Award at the 23rd International Conference on Fast Software Encryption.
IMDEA Software Institute’s Deputy Scientific Director, Manuel Carro, is coorganizer and chair of the Program Committee o...
{{< person id="antonio.nappa" >}} defended his PhD thesis “Defending Against Cybercrime: Advances in the detection of Malicious Servers and the Analysis of Client-Side Vulnerabilities.”
As part of the ongoing activities developed by the Madrid EIT Doctoral School, the Opportunity Recognition (OR) Seminar ...
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is opening a competitive call for new Knowledge Innovation Com...
It was our great pleasure to welcome José Manuel Torralba Castelló, Director-General for Universities and Research, and ...
The IMDEA Software Institute participated in the Kick-off Meeting of the H2020 European project NEXTLEAP, aimed at designing an end-to-end secure messaging system.
IMDEA Software Institute’s Scientific Director, Manuel Hermenegildo, has chaired the Program Committee of the 25th Inter...
Last Wednesday, February 10 the IMDEA Software Institute was delighted to host the visit of Dr. Charles J. Holland, the ...
IMDEA Software Institute PhD student Pepe Vila won the “shortest vector” prize in the annual Cross-Site Scripting Challe...
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Carmela Troncoso served as an invited panelist at the Computers, Privacy & Data ...