February 15, 2016

NEXTLEAP Project Kick-Off Meeting in Paris

The NEXTLEAP kick-off meeting, was held in Paris, France, on February 15-16, 2016, and was attended by Carmela Troncoso, project leader of the project at the IMDEA Software Institute.

NEXTLEAP is a recently approved H2020 European project which focuses on the development of an end-to-end secure messaging system with strong emphasis on privacy and freedom. The main technical outputs of the project to which the Institute will contribute are a Secure Address Book that does not leak user social contacts to any service provider, a Secure Communication Architecture that does not leak information to passive observers such as Internet Service Providers or Government Agencies, and a Private Data Analytics Module that allows for computation of statistics without revealing sensistive user information to any party.

Besides the IMDEA Software Institute, the NEXTLEAP consortium includes INRIA (France), University College London (UK), CRNS (France), IRI (France), and Merlinux, a Software Development SME from Germany.