February 22, 2016

Opportunity Recognition I&E Seminar of EIT Digital Doctoral School in Madrid

As part of the ongoing activities developed by the Madrid EIT Doctoral School, the Opportunity Recognition (OR) Seminar took place this week from the 22nd to the 26th of February, at the EIT Digital Madrid Co-Location center in the IMDEA Software Institute. The seminar was organized by Prof. Gonzalo Leon (Education Support, EIT Digital Madrid and Director of UPM’s CAIT) and Dr. Susana Eiroa (DTC Lead EIT Digital Madrid and IMDEA Software)

The seminar is aimed at 1st and 2nd year doctoral students, with the purpose of providing them with the appropriate background to develop a business idea based on the work and ideas developed as part of their own doctoral theses.

The course focused especially on the structure of the ICT market in Europe and Worldwide, protection and exploitation of thesis outcomes, funding options, and business modeling.

The participants had the opportunity to meet experts in the innovation ecosystem, researchers and entrepreneurs. There were ample opportunities to exchange experiences and do networking, and also to have the students present their business ideas and work in groups.

During the week a series of lectures and talks were given by some key business executives, entrepreneurs, academic researchers and start-up mentors, such as Elisa Martín (Chief of Technology and Innovation, IBM), Amit Pau (MD Ariadne Capital & Entrepreneur Country Global; Partner, Ariadne Fund), Dr. Jesús Contreras (EIT Digital BDA – CLC Manager), David Pascual (Manager of Institutional Development of Innovation, INDRA), Carlos Otermin (Manager Business Incubator, CAIT UPM), Simón Viñals (Director of Technology at INTEL), Juan Polo (EMEA Enterprise Client Marketing Manager at INTEL), Prof. José Carlos González (CEO MeaningCloud LLC, Partner and Member Advisory Board Singular Meaning), among many others.

More info is available at:

Course info at EIT Digital | EIT Digital Madrid DTC | Madrid EIT DIGITAL APG | CAIT UPM | UPM | IMDEA Software Institute

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