May 31, 2016

Two PhD students graduate at the IMDEA Software Institute

PhD students Juan Manuel Crespo and Goran Doychev graduated. Both students obtained their degree from the Technical U. of Madrid (UPM) within the DSS doctoral program, in which IMDEA faculty collaborate.

Juan Manuel defended his thesis entitled “Automation and Modularity of Cryptographic Proofs in the Computational Model”. During his studies, he was advised by IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Gilles Barthe. His work proposes new methods to develop automated cryptographic proofs in a cost-effective manner, without sacrificing rigour and obtaining end to end guarantees.

Goran’s thesis “Tools for the Evaluation and Choice of Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks” was supervised by IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Boris Köpf. His thesis focuses on the development of tools to support designers and implementers at the time of choosing the best countermeasures to avoid information leakage through side channels during the execution of cryptographic protocols.