July 5, 2016

IMDEA Software hosts the EIT Digital Master Science and Online I&E Education workshop in Madrid

The EIT Digital Madrid Co-Location center at the IMDEA Software Institute has hosted the EIT Digital Master Science and Online I&E education workshop which took place on June 4-5.

The workshop was organized by Gonzalo Leon (I&E Coordinator, EIT Digital Madrid and Director of UPM’s CAIT), and Susana Eiroa (DTC Lead EIT Digital Madrid, IMDEA Software Institute).

The event gathered the representatives of EIT Digital I&E education programs all around Europe in order to coordinate on education design approaches including new I&E strategies. Attendees included the Madrid I&E education team (Gonzalo León, Alberto Tejero and Arístides Senra, UPM’s CAIT), as well as Frederic Renouard (EIT Digital I&E Coordinator and head at the Rennes satellite), Olli-Pekka Mutanen (Aalto University), Erik Jensen (TU Delft), Jean-Michel Dalle (UPMC), Matteo Bonifacio (U. Trento), Farideh Heidari (TUE), Adam Tarsci (ELTE) and Terrence Brown (KTH).