July 18, 2016

AVClass, a tool for massive malware labeling, open-sourced

The Malicia Lab at the IMDEA Software Institute, led by Juan Caballero, has open-sourced AVClass, a tool for massive malware labeling.

AVClass automates a common task performed by malware analysts. It takes as input the AV labels for a large number of malware samples (e.g., VirusTotal JSON reports) and it outputs the most likely family name for each sample that it can extract from the AV labels. It can also output a ranking of all alternative names it found for each sample.

The design and evaluation of AVClass is detailed in an upcoming RAID 2016 paper: AVClass: A tool for Massive Malware Labeling. Marcos Sebastián, Richard Rivera, Platon Kotzias, and Juan Caballero. In International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, September 2016.