October 21, 2016

3 papers by IMDEA researchers published at ICLP 2016 and DC-ICLP 2016

Researchers at the IMDEA Software Institute presented two papers at the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'16), held in New York, which are published in a special issue of the “Theory and Practice of Logic Programming” (TPLP) journal, and one more at the ICLP affiliated Doctoral Consortium on Logic Programming. ICLP is the top international venue for the area of logic programming.

First, PhD student Isabel García together with researchers José Francisco Morales and Manuel Hermenegildo have a paper, entitled “Abstract Code Search”, that presents a novel code search technique based on querying for automatically inferred semantic properties of the code, rather than its syntactic or structural properties.

Second, researcher Pedro López together with PhD students Maximiliano Klemen and Umer Liqat, and researcher Manuel Hermenegildo have a paper entitled “A General Framework for Static Profiling of Parametric Resource Usage” describing an implementation of a novel framework for setting up cost equations/relations for performing a wide range of resource usage analyses aimed at performing static code profiling. This new approach is much more relevant to code optimization that previous resource inference approaches.

Third, PhD student Joaquín Arias presents his research at the 12th ICLP Doctoral Consortium (DC-ICLP), a forum for doctoral students working in areas related to logic and constraint programming, held as part of the main ICLP'16 conference. His work, entitled “Tabled CLP for Reasoning over Stream Data”, will be published by Dagstuhl Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs).

Also, IMDEA Software Institute’s researchers Manuel Carro, José Francisco Morales and John Gallagher are among the 38 program committee members.