IMDEA Software Institute News

Former PhD student Goran Doychev receives the “Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctorales” de la ETS de Ingenieros Inform...
The Spanish speaking podcast “1BIT of memoria” featured IMDEA software researcher Juan José Moreno as their main guest. ...
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Dario Fiore gives a keynote at the Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems NordSec201...
Professor Roberto Giacobazzi of the University of Verona, Italy and University of Verona, Italy visiting faculty member ...
In their opening episode, the spanish speaking podcast “1BIT of memoria” featured IMDEA software director Manuel Carro a...
Juan Caballero, Associate Research Professor & Deputy Director at the IMDEA Software Institute, gave an invited talk...
IMDEA researcher John Gallagher will be the program chair of the following events. LOPSTR 2017. 27th International Sympo...
Researcher Carolina Dania} receives best paper award at MoDELS 2017.
The director of the IMDEA Software Institute, Manuel Carro, was interviewed on the TV program "La Tarde en 24 Horas" about The European Researchers' Night in Madrid and the IMDEA Institutes
Roberto Costumero, student at the Software, Systems and Computation PhD. program, has successfully presented his PhD. Th...
Juan Caballero Associate Professor at the Institute has been appointed Deputy Director by the Steering Committee.
The IMDEA Institutes participated in the radio show Primera Hora, hosted by Javier García Mateo in Gestiona Radio. Durin...
Alessandra Gorla, researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute, has been invited speaker at the 2nd International Workshop...
Boris Köpf, researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute, has participated in the paner entitled “Formal Methods for...
Researchers of the IMDEA Software Institute have given several talks at the 33rd International Conference on Logic Progr...
Faculty members Pedro López-García and Manuel Hermenegildo present the _10-year most influential paper_ paper at ICLP 2017.
IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Pedro López gave an invited talk on August 28 at the 15th International Colloqui...
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Boris Köpf, has chaired the Program Committee of the 30th IEEE Computer Security Fou...
PhD student Pepe Vila and researcher Boris Köpf won a prestigious distinguished paper award at the 2017 USENIX Security Symposium.
IMDEA Software Institute Researcher, Manuel Hermenegildo, co-organizes and chairs the 4th Workshop on Horn Clauses for V...
Miriam García and Germán Delbianco defend their PhD thesis in UPM in July 2017.
IMDEA Software Institute Researchers Gilles Barthe and Manuel Hermenegildo participanted in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Reso...
Juan Caballero and his team receive of the award for the _most influential paper published in a period of 5 years_ at DIMVA 2017.
Carolina Dania defended his PhD thesis “Mapping OCL as a Query and Constraint Language” advised by IMDEA Software Instit...
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Dario Fiore gives an invited talk at the MathCrypt event part of the NIMS Hot Topics...
Carmela Troncoso speaks about data protection at a Swiss event for industry.
Faculty members Pedro López-García and Manuel Hermenegildo are recipients of the _10-year most influential paper_ award at ICLP 2017.
Faculty member Juan Caballero and Ph.D.student Platon Kotzias Platon Kotzias have a paper at the 36th IEEE Symposium on ...
Juan Caballero will participate in a meeting with more of 200 security-oriented companies.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Carmela Troncoso receives the Best Reviewer Award at the IEEE Security and Privacy S...
Two researchers from IMDEA attend the ERC 10 years celebration.
The IMDEA Software Institute is currently involved in the organization of two Summer Schools: Gilles Barthe co-organizes...
IMDEA Software Institute faculty Alessandra Gorla and PhD student Paolo Calciati received a Distinguished Paper Award at...
IMDEA Software Institute Phd student Luca Nizzardo, together with his colleagues Matteo Campanelli (City College of New ...
EUROCRYPT is one ot the top 3 venues on cryptography research
Manuel Carro participated in the Thought Leadership Workshop organized by NESSI, the European Platform on Software, Serv...
The IMDEA Software Institute participated in the MC – COFUND Infoday, an informative event organized by the MINECO Europ...
Founding director Manuel Hermenegildo steps down after 10 years of service and the Board appoints Prof. Manuel Carro new director of the IMDEA Software Institute.
The IMDEA Software Institute explores in a public document how the WannaCry ransomware attack could have been avoided.
IMDEA Software faculty teach at several graduate schools from spring to autumn.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Manuel Hermenegildo give an invited talk on April 29 on Energy Consumption Analysis ...
The idea: “Private Common Data Analytics” by IMDEA student Bogdan Kulynych has been awarded a diploma in the competition...
The IMDEA Software Institute has published its 2016 Annual Report.
IMDEA Software Institute director Manuel Hermenegildo has attended the Signing ceremony of the UNESCO/INRIA partnership ...
It is our great pleasure to welcome Professor Roberto Giacobazzi of the University of Verona, Italy as an University of ...
The Ms. Thesis: “Code Search: A Semantic, Abstract-Interpretation Based Approach” by IMDEA student Isabel García has bee...
IMDEA Software manages the migration of the UAM's High Energy group traffic to the LHCONE network.
IMDEA participates in an MINECO funded project to apply verification techniques in eVoting systems.
IMDEA participates in an MINECO funded project to protect data in the cloud.
IMDEA participates in an event to bring computer science nearer to the public at large.
IMDEA hosts the opening of the new EIT Digital node in Madrid
IMDEA Software researcher Juan Caballero will be part of an effort to develop an online banking anti-fraud system. This ...
Coowry a startup enabling easy micro payments whose offices are located in the IMDEA Software building was featured in t...
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Carmela Troncoso lectures on Privacy by Design at Interpol.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Dario Fiore has won the first edition of the CNIL/Inria prize on privacy protection.
IMDEA Software Institute researcher Boris Köpf will be lecturing at the Spring school on “Security & Correctness in ...