April 3, 2017

IMDEA student MS thesis awarded SISTEDES-Accenture Technology prize

The Ms. Thesis: “Code Search: A Semantic, Abstract-Interpretation Based Approach” by IMDEA student Isabel García has been awarded the first edition of the SISTEDES/Accenture Technology Best Master Thesis prize in Software Development Tools and Methodologies.

The thesis was developed at the IMDEA Software Institute under the supervision of Manuel Hermenegildo and José Francisco Morales within the Master’s program on Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Madrid.
The prize will be received by Isabel during the SISTEDES 2017 Days (Jornadas SISTEDES 2017) in July 2017, in Tenerife, Spain.

Isabel’s Ms. Thesis proposes a novel solution to finding code to reuse in large databases, based on the semantic properties of the code, and a novel query language for expressing such properties. The semantic nature of the approach is based on the use of abstract interpretation, in contrast with current approaches that are basically syntactic.
An implementation is also provided to check the practical viability of the approach using the Ciao multi-paradigm programming language.