May 31, 2017

IMDEA Software participates in the Marie Curie – COFUND infoday

The IMDEA Software Institute participated in the MC – COFUND Infoday, an informative event organized by the MINECO European Office aimed at giving information on how to manage a COFUND programme to the Spanish COFUND beneficiaries (FP7 and H2020). The event included the attendance by Alan Craig (EC - Marie Curie representative), who gave a presentation of the current 2017 call.

Juan José Collazo, Project Manager of AMAROUT II fellowship Programme, presented the Programme’s results. AMAROUT II is coordinated by the IMDEA Software and includes the participation of the seven IMDEA Institutes. The programme is cofunded by an FP7 MC-COFUND.

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“This project has received funding from the European Union’s FP7 research and innovation and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 291803.”