July 16, 2017

IMDEA Software Researchers at Dagstuhl Seminar on Resource Bound Analysis

IMDEA Software Institute Researchers Gilles Barthe and Manuel Hermenegildo participanted in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Resource Bound Analysis, held in Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, July 16-21, 2017. This meeting brought together the main researchers in the areas of symbolic bound analysis and worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis to discuss the state of the art and future research directions in this important area: the quality of software crucially depends on the amount of resources – such as time, memory, or energy – that are required for its execution. Understanding and bounding resource usage is not only crucial for writing efficient software but also to ensure correctness and safety of software systems, as well as their resilience to attack. Manuel Hermenegildo, jointly with Pedro López, Maximiliano Klemen, and Umer Liqat gave a tutorial on Cost Analysis with Recurrence Relations (using CiaoPP) and its Applications and presented their recent work on Energy Consumption Analysis and Verification, also using their CiaoPP tool. The group of Gilles Barthe presented their recent work on Relational Cost Analysis (with Ezgi Cicek, Marco Gaboardi, Deepak Garg, and Jan Hoffmann).