August 1, 2017

Two PhD students graduate at the IMDEA Software Institute

PhD students Miriam García y German Delbianco graduated during the past month. Both students obtained their degree from the Technical U. of Madrid (UPM) within the DSS doctoral program, in which IMDEA faculty collaborate.

Miriam defended her thesis “An Algorithmic Approach for Stability Verification of Hybrid Systems”, advised by the former IMDEA researcher Pavithra Prabhakar. This work proposes a novel algorithmic approach to stability verification of hybrid systems, which uses formal methods.

Germán’s thesis “Tools for the Evaluation and Choice of Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks”, was supervised by IMDEA Software Institute researcher Aleks Nanevski. The main goal of the thesis is the development and application of program logics aimed at the modular verification of stateful programs with higher-order control effects.