August 29, 2017

Pedro López-García and Manuel Hermenegildo give invited talk at top conference on their "Test of Time" award paper

IMDEA Software Institute’s faculty members Pedro López and Manuel Hermenegildo have given a plenary invited talk at the 33rd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'17, the premier conference in the area) on their paper “User-Definable Resource Bounds Analysis for Logic Programs”, which received the “Test of Time” award as a recognition of the paper published 10 years ago that has had the largest impact. The talk described the contributions of the paper, its applications, and how it has been improved, extended, and generalized over the last 10 years, as well as a summary of its impact in other work.

This edition of ICLP was co-located with international top conferences CP'17, and SAT'17 in Melbourne, Australia, August 28 - September 1, 2017.

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