February 7, 2018

International Day of the Woman and the Girl in Science

Next Wednesday, February 7 at 16:00, a round table will be held in the IMDEA Software Institute’s auditorium to contribute to the International Day of the Woman and the Girl in Science. This event is celebrated around the world on February 11 and its goal is to achieve full and equal participation in science for women and girls. The round table, moderated by journalist María José Bosch, will be recorded live, and it will be broadcast on Friday, February 9, in the second part of Gestiona Radio’s program “Primera Hora” (from 11:00 to 12:00).

Two researchers from IMDEA Software (Alessandra Gorla and Isabel García Contreras) and three invited professors and researchers from other institutions will participate: Ernestina Menasalvas, professor at E.T.S. of Computer Engineers of the UPM; Asunción Santamaría, professor at the E.T.S. of Telecommunication Engineers of the same University; and Elena González-Blanco, General Manager for Europe at CoverWallet and Principal Investigator of the POSTDATA ERC project.

With this round table, open to the public, IMDEA Software joins similar activities organized by the seven IMDEA Institutes with the support of the MadrI+D Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid.

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