May 23, 2018

Graduation of two PhD students at the IMDEA Software Institute

PhD students Nataliia Stulova and Luca Nizzardo successfully defended their PhD theses. On May 23, Nataliia defended her thesis entitled “Improving Run-time Checking in Dynamic Programming Languages” and advised by IMDEA researchers José Francisco Morales and Manuel Hermenegildo. On May 24, Luca defended his thesis entitled “Cryptographic Techniques for the Security of Cloud and Blockchain Systems” advised by IMDEA researcher Dario Fiore.

Both Nataliia and Luca obtained their degree from the Technical U. of Madrid (UPM) within the DSS doctoral program, in which IMDEA faculty collaborate.

Pictures of the defense of Nataliia and Luca:

Nataliia Luca