June 13, 2018

IMDEA researchers attend prestigious BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

IMDEA Software Institute faculty member Dario Fiore, together with postdoctoral researchers Antonio Faonio and Matteo Campanelli and other members of the Spanish cryptography community, participated in the presentation ceremony of the 10th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. The ceremony was held at the Marqués de Salamanca Palace of Madrid.

This year the BBVA Foundation gave fourteen awards covering eight categories: basic sciences, biomedicine, climate change, ecology and conservation biology, information and communication technologies, economics finance and management, development cooperation, and contemporary music.

This year’s award in the information and communication technologies category is specially relevant for the IMDEA Software Institute. It was given to professors Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, and Ronald Rivest from the MIT, and to professor Adi Shamir from the Weizmann Institute of Science for their “fundamental contributions to modern cryptology, an area of a tremendous impact on our everyday life”. Cryptography is one of the strongest areas of the IMDEA Software Institute, and we want to take this occasion to warmheartedly congratulate these four outstanding scientists for their achievements and well-deserved recognition.
