IMDEA Software Institute News

The project has been very successful in both academic and in terms of developing the tool
An automated technique for determining whether programs are vulnerable to a specific class of micro-architectural attacks
The extension is great for ensuring correctness of code, but it can also be used to improve the performance of code
“Cryptographic Techniques for the Security of Cloud and Blockchain Systems” is the thesis title
We interviewed the pre-doctoral researcher to ask him about the scientific results of his research
Bravo has presented this proposal as a paper to “Principles of Distributed Computing 2020” Conference (PODC)
The IMDEA Software Institute and the University of Verona organised AVERTIS.
The research has been supported by a grant from the Intel Strategic Research Alliance.
An activity aimed at introducing young talents to software research through challenges, games and videos.
The event is a meeting point between research institutions and industry for the exchange of ideas.
An action that demonstrates the Institute’s and EIT Digital's commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
At least 200 assistants listened to what the Police and the researcher's had to say about the evidences of this year's crime scene
The project that will install a test quantum communication infrastructure in several European countries, starts today.
SENER welcomed today the Madrid Regional Minister of Education and Research and the Madrid Director General of Research and Innovation to present the 'Madrid Flight on Chip' project.
NOVA LINCS Researcher, emeritus Professor at DI FCT NOVA, and member of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board of the IMDEA Software Institute
Lucas Kuhring and Zsolt István will present the demo at the 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'19) in Los Angeles, USA
This edition updates relevant content, modifies design and estructure, and also includes three research highlights
The pre-doctoral researcher Pepe Vila assists as a speaker to the most important security event in Spain
Interesting activities dedicated to show visitors the research done by the Institutes.
The project sets out to improve blockchain systems that target Business to Business use cases
Organized by the UPM, through the Cajal Blue Brain Project and the Ontology Engineering Group, and the IMDEA Software Institute.
The Research Group aim to address major challenges of systems based on blockchains and smart contracts
Roberto Giacobazzi, one of the authors of the winner paper “A²I: Abstract² Interpretation”.
Manuel Carro will take part in the round table about research and innovation in Madrid.