January 16, 2019

Roberto Giacobazzi receives a distinguished article award in POPL2019 for his work in “A²I: Abstract² Interpretation”.

Roberto Giacobazzi, affiliate faculty at the IMDEA Software Institute, received a Distinguished Paper award at the flagship conference of Principles of Programming Languages POPL’19, in Cascais, Portugal, for his work, coauthored with Francesco Ranzato, from the University of Padova, and Patrick Cousot, “A²I: Abstract² Interpretation”.

Their article formalizes offline and online meta-abstract interpretation and illustrate this notion with the design of widenings and the decomposition of relational abstract domains to speed-up program analyses. This shows how novel static analyses can be extracted as meta-abstract interpretations to design efficient and precise program analysis algorithms.

In total, three papers by researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute were accepted at POPL’19, supporting once more the high quality of the research performed at the Institute.
