February 5, 2019

IMDEA Software, UCM and UPM start the research project BLOQUES-CM

The IMDEA Software Institute, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), have been beneficiaries of the Call for R&D Program Activities of the Comunidad de Madrid, thanks to the project “Intelligent Contracts and Scalable Blockchains and Insurance through Verification and Analysis” (BLOQUES-CM), which has a financing of 763,600 euros, by the Comunidad de Madrid with the support of the European Union Structural Investment Funds.

The Research Group aim to address major challenges of systems based on blockchains and smart contracts, which must be solved so that its use is reliable in areas where high levels of security and data integrity can be achieved.

BLOQUES-CM will advance in the state of: the properties of integrity and anonymity, the verification of infrastructures, the testing of blockchains and, in the tests of correction and use of resources.

In this sense, BLOQUES-CM, among other thing, aims to prevent disappearances or the acceptance of incorrect transactions.
