February 8, 2019

Next Monday will take place the Session "I+D+M². Women in Montegancedo"

Next February 11, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Montegancedo Campus will host the conference “I+D+M². Women in Montegancedo” organized jointly by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, through the Cajal Blue Brain Project and the Ontology Engineering Group, and the IMDEA Software Imstitute. This is a great opportunity to bring science and research closer to girls and adolescents, to encourage STEM vocations and to interact with young researchers as well as with those who have a consecrated career.

Those attending the conference will have the opportunity to meet women researchers with a consolidated career, the research carried out on campus and will discuss the role of women in science. It is undoubtedly a suitable event to resolve all the concerns that arise when deciding on the academic future.

The aim of this conference is to promote the participation of more women in Science, to highlight the difficulties they encounter during their professional careers and to encourage young researchers to start or continue with their scientific careers.

The meeting will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Business Centre of the Montegancedo Campus. Attendance at the event is free but registration is required here.
