April 8, 2019

Pepe Vila, speaker at RootedCON, the most important security event in Spain with more than 2,500 attendees.

The pre-doctoral researcher of the IMDEA Software Institute, Pepe Vila, was one of the speakers at RootedCON 2019, which took place from March 28 to 30, in Madrid. More than 2,500 people attended the event born with the purpose of promoting the exchange of knowledge among members of the security community.

In his talk, Vila reviewed some of the background necessary to understand many of the recent attacks against micro-architectures, such as cache side-channel, rowhammer, and attacks based on speculative execution. In addition, he focused on the problem of finding minimal eviction sets: sets of addresses that collide in the cache. And finally, he also showed a functional implementation in WebAssembly to discuss some of its benefits compared to JavaScript.

You can view the full presentation (in Spanish) here

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