September 30, 2019

IMDEA Software participates in the 3rd season of IMDEA-CSI in the European Researchers Night

The third season of the IMDEA-CSI activity took place last Friday, the 27th of September, on the occasion of the European Researchers’ Night coordinated by the Knowledge Foundation, Madri+d.

The IMDEA Software Institute participated one more year, in this occasion, with the representation of the director of the Institute, Manuel Carro and the postdoctoral researcher Matteo Campanelli.

Carro welcomed the nearly 200 young people who attended. He introduced the crime simulation format that was going to be recreated and assured that “today there are no actors, the researchers that you will see are part of the staff of all the IMDEA Institutes and the members of the Police are not only part of the General Direction of the Scientific Police, but everything they will do at the crime scene is the same as they would do in real life”. Finally, the director of the Institute ended by making the room aware that science is behind almost everything.

In this occasion the action takes place in a research center. One of its members appears dead in his office and from there the Scientific Police, as well as researchers come into action to collect and analyze evidence from the crime scene.

The researcher Matteo Campanelli talked about privacy during his presentation and how some tools that are sold as secure offer sensitive user information with which many things can be deduced, such as a person’s identity. In this sense, he analyzed the Tablet of the corpse and finds an anonymized clinical database that along with other public data on the web, reveals that he had information about the pregnancy of a partner. From which it can be deduced that the victim was blackmailing her.

Once again, in the end thanks to the joint collaboration between investigators and the National Police, the victim was found guilty of the crime.

View the photo gallery.
