October 17, 2019

The Rey Juan Carlos University will host the XIV REDIMadrid Conference on October 22nd

The Madrid high-speed network for universities and research, REDIMadrid,an iniciative from the Community of Madrid and managed by the IMDEA Software Institute, celebrates its XIV Conference next October 22nd in the Departmental II of the Móstoles Campus of the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC).

The conference is a meeting point between research institutions and industry for the exchange of ideas and successful experiences on the application of technologies of very high-speed telematic networks.

The programme for the 2019’s edition will start at 9:00 and end at 16:30.

The vice-rector of Digitalization and Internationalization of the URJC, Abraham Duarte Muñoz, will be in charge of opening the event in which there will be speakers from REDIMadrid, the URJC, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), UNED, ADVA Optical Networking, Axians, [Palo Alto](palo alto california) and HPE Aruba Iberia.
