November 29, 2019

More than 12 experts as speakers at the Analisys, Verification and Transformation for Declarative Programming and Intelligent Systems event

AVERTIS, an event dedicated to Analysis, Verification and Transformation for Declarative Programming and Intelligent Systems, the line of research carried out by our researcher and former director of the IMDEA Software Institute, Manuel Hermenegildo, was held last Friday, November 29th, with a large number of experts in the field.

AVERTIS became an intense and interesting day full of knowledge, scientific dissemination and companionship.

In total, the event had 13 exceptional speakers: Roberto Giacobazzi; Patrik Cousot; Andy King; María García de la Banda; David S. Warren; María Alpuente; Narciso Martí Oliet; Martin Wirsing; Veronica Dahl; Peter Stuckey; Mike Codish; Gopal Gupta; and Ricardo V. Peña Mari.

View the photo gallery.
