December 30, 2019

César Sánchez: The ElasTest project improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process and the overall quality of large software systems

Research Results

The researcher of the IMDEA Software Institute, César Sánchez, talks about the ElasTest project in a video interview published on the Youtube channel of the Institute.

ElasTest is a Project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program. The main goal of the project is to provide a tool and an infrastructure to test end to end elastic applications. The modern cloud applications back ends are essentially elastic which means that they demand, they consume, they need more resources when they have, for example, more users, more access in the service, so this applications are notoriously difficult to test and to provide a software reliability which is a big challenge for mid-size and small enterprises. The project essentially is building an infrastructure to do this end to end testing and the different circumstances, for example: different users, many users at a time, different browsers, failures in the network and such, even failures in the components on the application itself.

The role of the IMDEA Software Institute in the project ElasTest has been to one, test security in the application and the other is to provide monitoring that allows to describe the test in an easier manner and to assess the test dynamically. César Sánchez ends the interview saying that: “All in all, I think that the ElasTest project has been very successful in both academic and in terms of developing the tool.”