IMDEA Software Institute News

The third ERC awarded to researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute
This paper presents a novel, algebraic treatment of the assertion language of separation logics
The work explores the application of Parametric Resource Analysis to the static inference of gas and storage consumption bounds for smart contracts
The conference featured 8 interesting presentations, two of them on forthcoming papers, and a colloquium
A new theoretical perspective on a collection of open problems of classical automata constructions and well-established algorithms
Using reconfigurable hardware accelerators to accelerate analytical processing
The work was presented at the Haskell Implementors’ Workshop (HIW 2020) in ICFP 2020
They present a new residualization operation and a generalized Brzozowski's method for building the minimal residual automaton for a given language.
They construct non-malleable secret sharing schemes secure against attackers
He uses quasiorders on words to offer a new perspective on two well-studied problems from Formal Language Theory
Pepe Vila defended succesfully his PhD thesis advised by Prof. Boris Köpf
Awarded with the prize for the best innovative practice in health promotion in the category of small and medium enterprises
Multiparty randomness generation protocols with guaranteed output delivery and public verification
CacheQuery: Learning Replacement Policies from Hardware Caches has been accepted at PLDI 2020
A key technology to create data-based digital solutions that protect the privacy and security of users’ data.
Last 7th of March the researcher of the IMDEA Sofware Institute was speaker at RootedCON
The 11th of February, on the occasion of the International Day of Woman and Girl in Science
The three awards, sponsored by the Tezos Foundation, ended 11 prize-winning participants
A collaboration agreement to conduct research at the highest level in the Institute's research areas with the aim of contributing to the development of the Tezos ecosystem